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Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

Before School Arrival

  • Students may arrive at school as early as 8:05 am. It is unsafe for students to arrive before 8:05 am as there is no supervision. Parents will be called if students are dropped off early.

  • Students arriving at school after 8:25 am are recorded as tardy. A parent or guardian must accompany the student to the office to sign them in for the tardy to be excused. If this is not done, tardy will be considered unexcused.

Picking up your student during the school day

  • If you are picking up your student before release time for an appointment, please pick them up prior to 2:30 pm.

After School Dismissal

  • Dismissal time is 2:55 pm. It is very important that students are picked up on time, since staff members have other assigned duties after school.

Changing after school transportation

Please notify the office as early as possible on the day of any transportation changes. Send a note with your student or call the office at 360-412-4670 before 2:30 pm on the day of the change. 

Visit the Change in After School Transportation info page